Evaluating Top IoT Platforms to Kick Start Your IoT Developments

Rahul Badnakhe
The IOT Magazine
Published in
3 min readMar 3, 2020


Internet of Things (#IoT) is no longer a buzzword but it is a reality. IoT has become an integral part of most industries, and IoT platforms providers are playing a vital role in the seamless deployment of IoT devices. IoT platforms provide great value to your business, allowing you to build, deploy, and scale products and reduce development cost by streamlining the process. However, many stakeholders are still confused about what IoT platform they should go with.

Business among all industry domains are adopting IoT solutions. According to Statista, the total investment in the Internet of Things (IoT) connected devices is projected to amount to 75.44 billion worldwide by 2025. To build your IoT solutions and connect devices you would need an IoT platform. Let’s see what IoT platforms are and how they can help you with your IoT developments.

IoT Connected Devices

IoT Ecosystem and IoT Platform

In order to understand the IoT cloud platform, first, we should talk about an IoT ecosystem. An IoT ecosystem consists of hardware (devices, sensors), software (software hosted in the cloud), connectivity (cellular, satellite, Wi-Fi) and a user interface (web application with dashboard). To unlock the true value of IoT we need to successfully integrate these components effectively.

The IoT platforms fall under either software or the IoT system user interface. With the advent of IoT with billions of devices are getting connected each day, that are able to compute, store and run multiple applications. This is where we need an integrated IoT platform.

IoT platforms help in connecting hardware or sensors, provide security to devices, handle hardware and software protocols, and collect, visualize, and analyze data the sensors/hardware collects. IoT Cloud platform as a service offers IoT devices and cloud computing capabilities.


Enabling Digital Transformation with Cloud Native Architecture

There are several IoT cloud platform providers available in the market that helps in filling the gap between the device sensors and data networks. This can be divided into two types, the public IoT cloud providers and industrial IoT cloud providers. The public cloud services providers include the widely used cloud platforms like Microsoft, AWS, Google, and IBM.

The industrial IoT platforms include PTC- ThingWorx®, Bosch IoT Suite, GE-Predix, Honeywell’s Sentience, and Siemens’s MindSphere. Before evaluating the public and industrial IoT platforms let’s look at the factors we should consider while comparing the IoT cloud platforms.

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